Meet the Shaffers!
HUGE SHOUTOUT to Matt & Lindsey are down over a collective FORTY pounds in the 12 weeks they joined us for our last challenge. This couple PUT in the WORK! This is why we do what we do.
Lindsey is a working mama of two little boys that gets up at 5am to get her cardio in and lifts after work. Matt is a working dad and in busy season with his career. This transformation shows what is possible if you follow the plan. Alexander and I LOVE working with couples, especially families as we can relate to their challenges and successes.
They will be joining our “Summer Shred” sign up deadline 6/5. Will you!?
#clientspotlight #transformationtuesday #fitness #health #alwaysevolving #onlinecoaching #bodyedifice #fitfam #valparaiso #valparaisoindiana